“Progress | Homeless Talent” by Alfredo Vidal
Beyond the Short Premiere
A homeless single father and musician gets the opportunity to finally showcase his talent, but first, he must overcome his stage fright.

From The Director
“The film was inspired largely by Progress's and myself's mutual fear for the future, and that is reflected largely by the main character's stage fright.
We both had serious doubts about our career trajectories, so when the pandemic hit, we decided to go for it and make this film.
I watched a lot of Tarkovsky while writing, so the visuals were heavily inspired by a lot of his films.
The film nearly didn't happen about a thousand times, whether it was because of money or losing an actor, something just always seemed to get in the way of us making the project happen. I'm not joking when I say that the production reached Lost In La Mancha proportions half a dozen times. I even got robbed at gunpoint on wrap day.
Despite all of it, the end result is something that I can say everyone is really proud of. It was really special to get to make something with one of my best friends and help put his music on display, but beyond that, it was great to work with passionate people that really care about the film they're working on.”
—Alfredo Vidal
Writer & Director | Alfredo Vidal @alfredovidal___
Story by | Alfredo Vidal @alfredovidal___
Ricardo "Progress" Arana @progressistheone
Music by Progress @progressistheone
Production company: Genuine @madebygenuine
Executive Producers
Ryon Lane @ryonlane | Marty Martin @themartymartin | Cory Wagner @phantasmacory | Kevin Koperski
Associate Producer: Jennifer Rozycki @android1of3
Tosin Cole @mrtosincole, Jayden Okuribido @jaydenbido
Director Of Photography | Robert Nachman @robertnachman.dp
Additional Director Of Photography | Walter Diaz @walter_diaz_dp
Production Designer | Casey Rose Daniel @casey_k_ro
Editor | Anthony Gourdine @the_wooroom
Trailer Editor & Sound Design | Natalie Hill @cutbynatalie
Colorist | Zack Stephens @zack_stephen
VFX | Julian Juarez Sound Design & Mixing | Xiao Hou @z_decibel
Film Processing / Scan | Spectra Film & Video @spectrafilm
Kodak @kodak_shootfilm
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