“All Up There” by Bonnie MacRae
A portrait of youth, womanhood and medical misogyny, 20-something Eilidh desperately seeks answers from her GP after debilitating pain presses pause on her life.
Crippling pelvic pain, extreme diarrhoea, full-body spasms, projectile vomiting, never-ending fatigue - 20-something Eilidh should be capitalising on her first moments of adulthood but instead is seeking answers for her mysterious debilitating pain. Lactose Intolerance? An STI? Cancer? Note to self: never Google symptoms again.
We follow Eilidh to a GP appointment as she desperately seeks answers for the mysterious and debilitating pain that relentlessly haunts her. Exploring the complexities, thrills, horrors and humiliations of chronic illness whilst coming of age, All Up There embarks on a journey towards uncovering the truth behind Eilidh’s torture.
The film was made with a fully female/non-binary crew.

Hannah Collins @hannah_collins01
Robin Laing @rain.goblin
Suzanne Magowan @suzanne_magowan
Written/Directed/Edited // Bonnie MacRae @bonmacrae
Produced // Holly Jack and Hannah Hunter @hollyjackinstagram @hannahhuntr
DoP // Nelisa Alcalde @nelisaalcalde
1st AD // Hannah Hunter @hannahhuntr
1st AC // Amy Urquhart @amyu.rquhart
2nd AC // Ruby Seber @rubyseber
Gaffer // Dee McGloin @deemcgloin
Art Dept // Keiss Marshall @k3i5s
Sound // Sarah Carruthers and Ryan Kerr @sarah.carrutherss @ryankerraudio
Wardrobe // Aleks Skowyra @ola.skowyra
Colour // Jakub Sirkowski @sirkowski
Music // Kerr Darling @kerrdaarling
Supported by:
GMAC Film @gmacfilm
Screen Scotland @screenscots
MTP @mtp_scotland
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