“Endless Days” By Jakob Knutsson

About one year ago this film came to my mind, fishing has been a part of our family since childhood. And I felt that I wanted to portray this through two enthusiastic fishermen, my brother and father. We traveld up north to Härjedalen in July 2020 and spent a week along the beautiful rivers. The film is not only about fishing, it’s also about the adventure and all that nature gives you when you’re out in the wilderness.

Working on this short has definitely been a joyful process, from my first thought of making it, to the final film.

I’ve been inspired by other filmmakers to ”invest in my passion projects”. And this has really been an investment in sense of time, many hours spent on this project. Not only during the beautiful week up north but also in the edit room, trying to create the right feeling that I want the audience to experience. And I’m thankful to every single one who has been involved in this project. It’s such a special feeling when you see everything come together with cinematography, editing, sound design and script.

I hope that this film can inspire some of you to work closer to what you are passionate about.

Jakob Knutsson - Director


A Film by Jakob Knutsson
Script written by Cecilia Lind
Sound Design: David Levinsson
Fishermen: Jan Knutsson & Simon Knutsson
Graphics: Petter Berg

Special Thanks:
TMP Voices, Levinsound, Cutback Studio.

Hey filmmakers! Have a project of your own you’d like us to check out?


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