“Like Father, like Son” By Justin Tyler Close

In “Like Father, Like Son,” Director Justin Tyler Close takes us on a very personal journey to discover the nuances and legacy of fatherhood.

Through the stories and perspectives of real fathers and sons from across the country, the film explores what it means to be a good father raising good men in a world where masculinity can be difficult to navigate.


“While filming, we witnessed some really special moments when vulnerability and masculinity coexisted so beautifully and fathers and sons were able to look each other in the eyes and express genuine love for one another.

Saying “I love you” is important, and we need more of that - especially as men. I hope people walk away feeling the truth of that and intentionally looking for ways to say “I love you’ every day.”

-Justin Tyler Close, Director


Director & Producer // Justin Tyler Close @justintylerclose

Executive Producer // Filmsupply @filmsupply

Cinematographer // Jeremy Cox @_jeremycox

Editor // Jeff Watterson @jeffwatterson

Casting // In Search Of @insearchof.agency

Color // Sam Gilling @sgllng

Sound Design // Eugenio Battaglia @eugeniobattaglia

Music // Musicbed | Cipriano Vigil Family

Special Thanks

Anouk Aumont (@funkadelics), Sarah Brannan, Fresh Films, Evan Landry, Jess Lowe, Asymetric, Eastside Camera, Common Vision, Nikki Refghi, Arthur Aumont, Lucy Mae Sunday, Josh Close, Nice Film Lab, Wythe Hotel (Brooklyn), Ariane Aumont


Willy Choi, Kyung Choi, Cipriano Vigil, Cipriano Vigil, Alonzo Vigil, Jerry Forrest, James Forrest, Jay Williams, Anthony Meely, Andre Meely, Ron Bowman, Skip Bowman, Dash, Ace Dash

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