“Merlin” By Min Soo Park

Official Beyond the Short Premiere

How does man strive to be happy?

In the personal portrait of Swiss artist Lukas Krähenbühl, we follow him to understand what makes him happy and come to understand that accepting oneself is the key to happiness.


“How does man strive to be happy? In the personal portrait of Swiss artist Lukas Krähenbühl, we follow him to understand what makes him happy and come to understand that accepting oneself is the key to happiness.

I met Lukas at the 2019 Tribal Gathering in Panama. At the time, I wanted to find someone who lived in the moment and was intuitive. Someone like Zorba from Zorba the Greek. I thought this person would be able to teach me about happiness. When I met Lukas, I thought he resembled Zorba.

Time had passed. In the winter of 2021, I asked Lukas if I could make a film about him. He agreed.

For me, Zorba was my ideal self. For Lukas, Merlin. This film is about who we want to become, live in the moment, and be truly happy.”

-Min Soo Park


Director // Min Soo Park @miiing___

Assistant Director // Edward Gomez @eddiesfriendsarehigh

Post Sound Mixing // Kevin Fann @kevfannry

Music // Soohyun April Jang @aprillljang, Lukas Krähenbühl @herzenskunst.clk

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