“Lista-Nikki Lorenzo” by Bianca Poletti

LA-based director Bianca Poletti invites audiences on a captivating journey of love and self-destruction in her latest music video, "Lista”,  a collaboration with Cuban-American actress and singer-songwriter Nikki Lorenzo. The visually stunning video intricately explores the complex dynamics of a couple ensnared in toxicity, expertly navigating the delicate balance between passion and peril.


Starring// John Hawkes and Nikki Lorenzo

Director// Bianca Poletti/ @bpoletti

Artist// Nikki Lorenzo/ @nikkilorenzo

Track// Lista

Story by Bianca Poletti

Producer// Shayna Gianelli

EPs// Kelly Silva, John Hawkes and Nikki Lorenzo

DP// Kayla Hoff/ @kaylahoff_

Gaffer// Saint

Steadicam// Devon Catucci/ @devon_catucci

Editor// Dusten Zimmerman at Cabin Edit/ @dusten_zimmerman

Color// Mikey Rossiter/ @mikolour

Sound Mixing// Chris Nungary/ @cnungary

Wardrobe// Donna Lisa/ @donnalisa00

Titles// Fifty-One Eight Inc.

On-set photographer// Lauren Withrow/ @laurenwithrow

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