narrative music videos

Music is a universal language. We may not understand the words all the time, but we’ll feel the rhythm, the emotion and the soul of a powerful song. The Beyond the Short Indie Music Video winners showcases incredible works of narrative music from a diverse, talented group of artists, performers, music video directors and crew.

Explore our entire curated catalog of powerful, emotionally driven music videos.

“Cedric Langlois - Lilas” by Danik Gollain
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“Cedric Langlois - Lilas” by Danik Gollain

An experimental music video about loss, flowers and love. Colors and flowers intertwine in Cedric's heavy and metaphorical mind. We travel with him through his thoughts and feelings as he experiences emotional loss.

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“A.Girl - Do It Again” by Jason Sukadana
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“A.Girl - Do It Again” by Jason Sukadana

Māori-Australian artist A.Girl delivers her unique sound of moody R&B with "Do It Again", and evocative summoning of the contradictions of desire. Directed by director duo VERSUS, the film presents an invocation of the intoxicating convergence of power and passion. Vignettes illustrate the disorienting trappings of rumination and expressions of self preservation.

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