“Benign” by Dan Silver

Beyond the Short Official Premiere

After discovering an unexpected bump on the back of his head, Karl Albin, an anxious worrier, tries to move on from this terrifying discovery the best he can. But doing so proves to be nearly impossible.

Despite trying to live his life the best he can, Karl’s anxieties continue to grow, and so does the bump’s size.

When his doctor confirms that Karl has nothing to worry about, Karl must ultimately decide whether he will let the bump consume him or accept this alleged truth and move on.


“Personally, this film is an exploration of what my anxiety and intrusive thoughts feel like. Invisible illnesses like anxiety, depression, and OCD, are so hard to properly explain to someone who’s never experienced it; so I wanted to explore it in a visual and tangible experience that I believe is what film, as an art form and storytelling tool, achieves best.

I have never seen a realistic depiction of what my mental health issues feel like, especially health anxiety, and so my goal with this film was to show the rawest and most realistic portrayal of it that I could. Being able to present these inner demons that myself and many others battle every day, and make them digestible so that anyone could experience how debilitating and uncomfortable it is to go through, can maybe—hopefully— challenge the way we talk about these things.

In a way, this film is a release of all the thoughts and feelings I’ve had and have struggled with. It’s been therapeutic to let it out. To create a worst case scenario as a reminder to myself how ridiculous it looks when you take a step back from your own inner turmoil and reflect. I feel better having made it.”

-Dan Silver



(in order of appearance)

Karl Albin//Albin Weidenbladh

Friend//Tyler McCall

Other Friends//Dylan Ciara, Drew Michael Gardner, Katrina Canillas

Receptionist//Alexandra Montalbano

Nurse//Tiffani Grace

Dr. Kaminski (voice)//Dennis Fitzpatrick

Dr. Kaminski (stand-in)//David Carlson

Written, Directed & Produced by Dan Silver


Co-Produced by Hunter Jones, Kayla Casey

Associate Producer//Albin Weindenbladh

Director of Photography//Kevin Johnson

Production Design//Riley Foster

Edited by Dan Silver

Assistant Director//Adam McAlonie

Production Sound Recordist//Craig Slon

Original Score by Nematode

Hair, Make-up, SFX//Amanda Braz

1st AC//Michael Flynn

2nd AC/ Loader//Matthew Connelly

Gaffer//Katie Harkins

Key Grip//Ben McLaughlin

Swing//Jake Kressly

Colorist//Billy Landry

Film Processing//The Kodak Film Lab (NY)


Rhonda Graff, Scott Silver, Craig Silver, Joan Graff, Mike Graff, Sharon Danis, Braxton Carter, Kate Ryan, Stephen Campenella, Sarah Gibbons, Louis Thierry, Ryan Rauch, Kenny Rentz, Tim Lavery, Michael Lopez, Sean Gallagher, Peter Huar, Madison Conner, Eddy Machado, Brian Hughes, Eric Frullaney, Dennis Chereshanskiy, Emily Terran, Nick Abbot, Duall Rentals, Lightbulb Rentals, Tony Landano & The Kodak Film Lab NY, Jake Groom & Company3

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