“In Part” by Matt Kingcroft

George and Anne go to their estranged father's apartment after he commits suicide. As they clean up the place, they discover more than they expected.


“IN PART started with the idea of just wanting to watch people clean an apartment. At the time, I'd been thinking about an odd bunch of things: how scientific discovery can sometimes open the world up to new terrors; how grief is so hard to understand or pin down, a whole world unto itself; how the mundane and banal things of our present lives can reveal or point to something more intangible and immaterial; how family can feel so close and yet entirely unknowable at the same time. I'm not sure I got all that in, but from those ideas, and the desire to shoot something very simply, came IN PART. 

The title stems from 1 Corinthians 13:12: "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." That Bible verse has been plumbed for titles by many other filmmakers including Ingmar Bergman, but I think it acts as a sort of key to the film, one that was a real joy to make with my friends Derek Janzen, Rebecca deBoer, Cory Thibert, Drew Harris, and Jordan Klassen, all of whom did beautiful work.”

-Matt Kingcroft


Cast// Rebecca deBoer & Cory Thibert

Writer/Director// Matt Kingcroft

Producers// Matt Kingcroft and Derek Janzen

Executive Producer// Julia Kochuk

Director of Photography// Derek Janzen/ www.derekjanzen.info  @derek_janzen

Sound Recordist// Drew Harris/ @grmnygrmny 

Music// Jordan Klassen/ @jordanklassen

Set Decoration// Matt Kingcroft & Nicole Hildebrand

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