“You Know Where To Find Me” by Sam Davis

One of the most pivotal times in a young adult's life is the moment they truly strike out on their own - a reality that seems frustratingly out of reach for some. In You Know Where to Find Me, Director Sam Davis explores the unique experience of a young man with an intellectual disability reaching for independence and finding his way in a leap of faith both terrifying and glorious.


“For years I’ve dreamt of making a sort of character study inspired by a childhood friend named Frankie who has an intellectual disability. Frankie’s well-known and loved in my small Michigan hometown. We still keep in touch, and he recently told me the story of his first night alone in his own apartment after 27 years living at home with his mom. I loved the idea of a fresh take on the “kid moving into college dorm” trope; a slice of life set against this quietly momentous day in Frankie’s (and his mom’s) journey. Coming from a predominantly documentary background, my partner Rayka Zehtabchi and I are really inspired by the gray area between documentary and narrative, and we saw an opportunity to experiment here. The film is very much a narrative but I hope the documentary approach to shooting, editing and casting lends it a heightened quality of truth and authenticity.”

-Sam Davis


Starring// Grayson Deeney/ @graysondeeney; Noa Graham/ @noagraham; Mayra Dolan/ @mayrita.dol; Steve Turner 

Director// Sam Davis/ @samdavis

Producers // Rayka Zehtabchi/ @raykaz & Reef Oldberg/ @reef.oldberg
Executive Produced by// Trust/ @madewithtrust
Executive Producer// Sarah Brannan/ @sarah_t_brannan
Producer// Faylyn Johnson/ @_faylyn

Production Designer// Ryann Kearney/ @ryannkearney
Casting// Natalie Lin/ @n.atalielin
Color// Sam Gilling/ @sgllng

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