“FLIPPER’S SKATE HEIST | The Official Chronic Skate by Dr. Dre” by Ben Dean

If you had the chance to get your hands on something the world had never seen before… would you let the moment pass you by? Or would you risk it all and take what’s yours?

FLIPPER'S SKATE HIEST follows two masked subjects as they loot a truck guarded by security for its roller skates and then ride through a city in spectacular fashion, avoiding the law, gravity and even death itself. All for a fun night at the legendary Flippers. Worth it.


“The high-octane heist-film features ace roller-skating thieves nabbing skates from a guarded transport vehicle. The skaters make quick work of their pursuers via maze-like streets, back alleys, flying down highways, crashing through buildings and narrowly escaping their pursuers, eventually hiding out in a roller rink that serves as the film’s musical break.

The short ends with a cameo from Dr. Dre himself, dishing famous threats if his skates aren’t ultimately returned. Dean ultimately decided to commit to a raw, unfiltered camera movement and style to help convey the pace and suspense of the heist. The goal was to make it feel as real and raw as possible.”

-Ben Dean


Writer/Director // ‍@dissc0

EP // @doomaloom Jason Cole

Production Company // @doomsdayent @theliftmx @friend_london

Producer // @sullivanthejeremy @joselozurdo @campbellvonbeaton @thefassstlane

DP // @packdrawn

London DP // @davidprocterdop

Camera Operator // @connorobrien310

AD // @llacx

Production Designer // @emi_____davilafalconi

Stylist // @lajapo @lillians_hair_

Hair // @carlosarriolahair

Editing Company // @cabinedit

Editor // @samostrove

Color Company // @company_3

Colorist // @tomopoole

Sound Design and Mix // @rphljls

VFX // @_shapeandlight_

Skaters // @mightymorphinz @simply_boyce @addiroller Gad Cruz, Esteban Muñoz

Client / Agency // @drdre @flippers.world @interscope @libertyross Jimmy Iovine

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