Short film

The Beyond the Short Indie Short Film winners showcases incredible works of narrative short films from a diverse, talented group of filmmakers, directors, actors and crew. Explore our entire curated catalog of indie short films from rising filmmakers.


“Habitat” By Jaime Calachi
Horror Guest User Horror Guest User

“Habitat” By Jaime Calachi

In a dead-end room lives a slave of the system, addicted to the computer mouse and a reality show that never ends. Obsessed with an illusion, his dream is to go to the paradise that he has seen in a TV commercial... with just a flick of a finger.

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“Mirage” By Dustin Tan
Drama Guest User Drama Guest User

“Mirage” By Dustin Tan

Mirage is a haunting satire about a housewife, Elaine, trapped in a loveless marriage to her oblivious yuppie husband. As the superficiality of Elaine's life becomes increasingly suffocating, she receives a letter that recalls distant memories from a former life. Sexuality, consumerism, and the male gaze are explored through a metaphysical lens.

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