“Ultra Low” by Bianca Poletti

Tensions grow between two friends as their attempt to make an independent film together goes absurdly wrong. 


Starring// Allison Goldfarb, John Hein, Kate Hollowell, Rick Darge, Kieran Llewis and Rena Pilar

Director// Bianca Poletti

Writer// Allison Goldfarb

Producer// Shayna Gianelli

Production Companies// Mirmade Productions + OPC + Bacon + Zauberberg + Disco Pants Inc.

Production Manager// Theresa Marie

Assistant Producer// Abbey Jones

Coordinators// Dominic Cura and Austin Tong

AD// Ryan James

EPs// Miranda Kahn, Harland Weiss, Mette Jermiin, Emily Harris, Frank Siegl, and Andrea Roman-Perse

Cinematographer// Kayla Hoff

Gaffer// Pablo "Saint" Lopez

PD// Sara Fern

Color// Mikey Rossiter

Editor// Nina Sacharow

Assistant Editor// Astrid Franco

Edit House// Cabin Edit

Music Supervision// Abbey Hendrix and Julianne Wilson

Sound Mixing// Vinny Alfano

Sound// Allison Brady

Steadicam OP// Devon Catucci

Costumes// Christina Flannery

Make up// Julie DiMartino

Titles// Fifty One Eight

Promo Photography// Lauren Withrow

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“Back Your Chat” by Seb Tabe