“The Announcement” By Zack Bernbaum


In the wake of a traumatic incident, Olive and Jonny must grapple with what they have done and what they have lost.

Be sure to check out Zack’s production process and some behind-the-scenes photos below!


Carolina Bartczak & Alex Mallari Jr.

Director - Zack Bernbaum
Writer - RJ Lackie

Produced by:
Zack Bernbaum, Mitch Cappe

Executive Producer - Ben Treger
Director of Photography - Stephen Chandler Whitehead
Production & Costume Designer - Daniela Trivizon
Music by - Erica Procunier
Steadicam Operator - Greg Frankovich
Editor - Jane MacRae
Production Company - Ezeqial Productions

Beyond the Short

The idea for THE ANNOUNCEMENT came to me one night as I was falling asleep (as the best ideas tend to). The story of two people dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic incident while we move back and forth between them, each time revealing new, and re contextualizing old information, resonated with me. I liked that it allowed for a very visual experience, that I would be able to play in the thriller/suspense genre (something that was new for me) and that the story played with perception – how we as an audience form these immediate, and often incorrect, assumptions about characters and situations. I also wanted to make a film that was creatively challenging, so I imposed a couple limitations – namely that it needed to be constructed in one long shot and that there wouldn’t be any dialogue.

To pull this off required an incredibly talented team. Screenwriter RJ Lackie has a strong genre background and was instrumental in crafting a script that slowly builds in suspense without any words spoken. Using the world to tell the story was such a unique opportunity, allowing the art department, led by Production & Costume Designer Daniela Trivizon, to not only design an entire house but be in charge of sharing exposition. There are many clues throughout the film, and we opted to be a bit more subtle with these elements, making the audience an active participant and work a little bit harder to discover the truth of what happened.

Being a true one shot is no easy task. I created a preview of the entire film, took that to Director of Photography Stephen Chandler Whitehead and Steadicam Operator Greg Fankovich, and then watched in amazement as they crafted a look that made each room in the house feel distinct. The camera does something in this film that is generally not used very often ¬– it moves independently of the characters or action. To me there are three POVs in the film: Olive’s, Jonny’s, and the camera’s – which has a somewhat ghost like and exploratory sense to it. The score by Erica Procunier is the connective tissue and is so evocative and unsettling. It truly enhances the sense of dread.

Finally, I can’t say enough about the incredible work of the cast. Carolina Bartczak and Alex Mallari Jr. are put through the ringer – this is an emotionally and physically demanding piece, and they gave it their all. They go through such a grueling journey within 12 minutes and need to be on point every step of the way. Every time I watch the film I’m in awe of their talent and dedication.

I hope that in crafting the film in this way it allowed the cast and crew to experiment and think outside the box, and allows the audiences to have a visceral experience that makes them want to go back and revisit the film to put all of puzzle pieces together.

“The Announcement” was submitted to us by Zack Bernbaum. Have a film of your own you’d like us to check out? Click here!


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