“IDLENESS” by Cam DeMars

Two lonely foragers are called to meet for tea when nature begins to stand still around them.

Inspired by the book 'Essays in Idleness' by Kenko and Chomei.


“The idea of enlightenment through self isolation is not new, and today that context has shaped itself into an ugly force of self prophecy that in my opinion just isn’t true. People need connection like they need water, and without it our minds stay suspended and cyclical. 

This short is inspired by the book 'Essays in Idleness' by Kenko and Chomei, a collection of essays from two separate medieval monks isolated in the wilderness.”

-Cam DeMars


Director / DP// Cam DeMars

Composer// Ross Mayfield

Producers// Chase DeOpsomer & Jonathan Finch

Camera Op// Sam Saarel

Stylist// Nicolas Eftaxias

VFX// Griffin Ernyei

Titles// Ray Smith

AC// Jasper Poore

Additional Cinematography// Sam Saarel

Eastern Locations// Aaron Martin

Western Locations/Stills// Jonathan Finch

Herbalist// Jessica Parpart

Wooden Props// Bobby Keill

Talent// Steven Seleb

Talent// Jack Dana

Prod Co// Mission Ranch Studios

Special Thanks:

Lee Ann Harrison

Caleb Chicoine

Stephen Torna

Kathy Joe Finch

Katsumi Sakano

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