“STASIS” by Griffin Glendinning

A short skiing portrait of Svea Irving, exploring her deep connection to nature and passion for expression on snow. 


Directed & Edited// Griffin Glendinning/ @__grifff

Ski// Svea Irving/ @sveairving

Production// Uncharted Force

Special Effects// Ezekiel Miles/ @ezekielmiles_

Original Compositions by John Hayes/ @johnhayesmusic

Produced by Svea Irving & Griffin Glendinning

Assistant Producer// Lucia Tarantino/ @lucia_tarantino 

Director of Photography// Griffin Glendinning

Assistant Camera// Gianni Giordano @gianni_tullio

Written by Griffin Glendinning & Svea Irving

Assistant Writer & Editor// Cooper Campisi @coopercampisi

Additional Music Courtesy of

“Try a Little Tenderness” - Performed by Otis Redding

“Deadcrush” - Performed by Alt-J


Katie Steinharter - IKON, Devin Kearns - WP Rail Yard, Bob Holmes - Winter Park Resort, Noah Howell - Flylow Gear, Khai Krepela - K2 Skis, Christopher Stumbles - Monster Army

Special Thanks

Sosnowski, Ally Hansen, Lily Rezal - Backcountry Access, Cassidy Jarrell, Birk Irving, Josie Peterson

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