“u̯ekʷ” by Juan Amusategui

Dormant human entities seem ensnared in a static darkness until an energy emanating from the body of a singular girl emerges, projecting onto the others and restoring their voices. An inner light ignites voices and hope in the shadows where souls lie trapped in silence.


Director// Juan Amusategui/ @juan.i.amusa

DOP// Sebastian Cantillo/ @sebastian.cantillo

PRODUCERS// Sebastian Sutton/ @tatansutton & Male Suarez Lynch/ @malesuarez

ART DIRECTOR// Lucas Marinesco/ @lucasmarinesco

WARDROBE// Barbi Arcuschin/ @barbiarcuschin

STYLING// Vane Mogno/ @eternagopi

HAIR & MAKE UP// Joaquin Vega Caro/ @joaquinvegacaro

AD// Marcos Pesquero/ @mark_pesquero

SOUNTRACK & SOUND DESIGN// Tomas Putruele/ @tomo20

EDIT// Eric Bernardo/ @eromakaveli

3D// Artist Sofi Benetti/ @sofibbenetti

VFX// Paula Braga Menendez/ @paubm1  & Lola de la Fuente Goldman/ @loladelafuente_

RENDER// Facundo Gambacorta/ @fgambac

COLOR// Alejandro Armaleo/ @desarmaleo

DG// Mutto/ @mutttto

CASTING DIRECTOR// Juan Casting Club/ @lamusainsp

DRONE OP. // Victor D'Arcangelo/ @copterfilms.imagenes.aereas

FILM LAB// Kodak Film Lab Atlanta/ @kodakfilmlabatl

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