“unFocus” by Célestin Soum
UnFocus is an experimental fashion film, exploring, through sound associations and visual overlays, sensual combinations between the organic human body and inert matter’s bodies, floating, burning, dissolving into the picture. Boundaries between skins and surfaces merge and parasitize each other.
From these confluences emerge new mental images, hybrid, always vague. Without being a monster yet, this creature (trans)mutates, metamorphoses from a state to another, endlessly flowing to a new shape.

Directed by Célestin Soum @celestinsoum
Starring // Julie Toupet @folierousse & Jared Herbo @captainratzcar
Production // Pitch @pitch.production
Producer // Guillaume Durand @_guillaumedurand
DP // Pierre Brunet @pierrebrunet_dop
1st AD // Eurielle Boslowsky @eurielle_bsw
Edit & Color Grading // Célestin Soum @celestinsoum
Sound design & Music // Diego Wunsch @diego_wunsch
Thanks // Pleine image location @pleineimageloc
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