“THE SPECTRE” by Tavis Pinnington

Official Beyond the Short Premiere

When Tegan is confronted with her vulnerabilities and is exposed without the safety of a character, ‘The Spectre’ is born.


“THE SPECTRE is a short monologue that explores the feeling of imposter syndrome and the vulnerabilities that follow it - an emotion a lot of creatives and artists feel. Tegan's monologue came to me at a very hard time in my career. I was close to leaving it all behind and her words resonated with what I go through almost yearly: "without a character to hide behind, it's just me and my deepest burning desires." This line hooked me from the moment I first read the monologue, it posed a question, "who am I without all this?"

The film is broken up into 3 stages of emotions that follow those vulnerabilities. The anxiety of the process, inner chaos/depression and finally hope/peace. All of these are separated by colour, tones and contrast. The super 8mm footage was shot during the production of 'A god i can relate to' - @urbancrowleycollective first music video and shows Tegan's artistry in her band.

I also wrote the score to the film which was such a fun experience. The music was so important for this film and I couldn't find anything that really fit. It was really fun to get back to my old music/audio engineering roots and play something. Thanks to @Spitfireaudio and @labscommunity for the free plugins.

I learned so much from making this film. I believe every cinematographer should direct something they deeply care about and make passion projects just for themselves.”

-Tavis Pinnington


Director & DP // Tavis Pinnington @tpdop

Monologue // Tegan Crowley @teegiestardust

Editor // Indiga Christy @indiga.jpg

Super 8MM // Mickey Zito @mickeyzito

Title // Amira Seneque

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