“3h Company - Adequately” by Leo Goresnhtein
An absurdist, Kafkaesque piece riddled with anxiety and paranoia that oscillates between a wedding and a funeral.
Our story is such a “Mobius strip,” which is repeated every time anew, but each time there are changes that are noticeable only to the main character. In fact, this is a metaphor for the life of modern large and not very cities, in which minor deviations from the norm lead to paranoid moods and anxiety states. But, of course, such conditions cannot lead to anything good.
“The music video is set in one of the apartments in Soviet Union Brezhnev-era panel house where a merry funeral feast takes place after a silent wedding. The characters meet in the same apartment under different circumstances and face the need of making choices trying to determine the boundaries of adequacy.
The chosen era of the mid-80s works like a distorted mirror to today rhyming with the reality in viewers minds. What is adequacy, how is it determined and where are the limits of what is acceptable and who is there to judge?”
-Leo Goresnhtein

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