“You've Been on My Mind” By James Dayton


Our music video follows our artist, Conrad, as he reminisces on a past love. We wanted this to be simple and surreal, hence we used oranges as the items that hold/unlock each memory.

Directors statement

This was the first shoot I directed remotely, and we didn’t have the ability to zoom call me in, so I had to rely heavily on my DP Konstantin Lyubimov. I hired him for this job because he’s an incredibly talented DP and the perfect swissarmy man for our run-and-gun shoot. We spent a lot of time prepping and planning how our shoot was going to go, including creating a little packet of directing notes he could give to the actress and artist.

The day of the shoot was a strange experience on my end. I would be on the phone with Konstantin before each scene, and then receive texts with all the takes after they were shot. It was nerve-racking and exhilarating. But it worked. Given the constraints we worked with, I couldn't be happier with the final product.


Music by Public Library Commute
Directed & Edited by James Dayton
Cinematography & Color by Konstantin Lyubimov
Producer - Louise de Nexon
1st AC - Zoe Yi
2nd AC - Josh Sheehan

“You've Been on My Mind” was submitted to us by James Dayton. Have a film of your own you’d like us to check out? Click here!


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