narrative music videos

Music is a universal language. We may not understand the words all the time, but we’ll feel the rhythm, the emotion and the soul of a powerful song. The Beyond the Short Indie Music Video winners showcases incredible works of narrative music from a diverse, talented group of artists, performers, music video directors and crew.

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“Nobody Knows / Keep Calm and Carry On- Moon Bride” by Daniel Rosenberg
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“Nobody Knows / Keep Calm and Carry On- Moon Bride” by Daniel Rosenberg

The debut music video by producer Boy Howdy, “Nobody Knows / Keep Calm and Carry On” brings Moon Bride’s retro-pop anthem to the screen as a technicolor fever dream. In a nod to Old Hollywood and Harper’s Bazaar’s Man Ray, the 3.5 minute video visualizes a woman awakening to a new world and full of questions. Packed with handmade costumes, playful cinematography, and motion VFX, it is an artful, extravagant, and totally original trip through time and space.

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