“2 Players Required” by Cameron Gallagher
When a troubled young woman begins playing a strange board game, She unwittingly allows a sinister presence to enter her apartment.

“This film concept started with the fun exercise of "What if a movie I loved was a horror film?" and Jumanji instantly jumped into my mind. In a "Back to Basics" short film, it was so much fun creating something concept, while being fun and digestible.
With an incredibility bare bones crew of just 4 (not including Sara) we were able to pull off something that I think is genuinely creepy, and a testament to all of our love for the craft.”
-Cameron Gallagher
Starring// Sara Hallisey
Director & Editor// Cameron Gallagher
Writer & Producer// Jeremiah Lewis
Sound// Jaquelin Mignot
Original Score// Ryan Shreves
1st Assistant Director// Taylor Jarvis
A Black Mountain Visuals Production
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