“Craving” By Greg Barth


Craving is a self-isolation fever dream about one man’s hunger that is increasingly harder to satiate, driving him to the brink of manslaughter (or man-potato slaughter) in order to satisfy his growing delusions of grandeur, paired with his prolonged confinement from others.

Food-porn will never be the same.


Featuring Rodrigo Penalosa
Director - Greg Barth

Director of Photography - Stefan Yap
Set Design - Will Vincent
Studio and equipment - Park District

Editor - Nick Armstrong
Sound - Echoic
Onset VFX & FX - Pery McCafferty
Matchmoving - Peanut
Modelling, Animation, Lighting, Compositing - Greg Barth
Additional Houdini Sims - Stuart Whelbourn
Screen & Title Design - Futurneue
Colorist - Connor Coolbear
Grade Producer - Oliver Whitworth

Beyond the Short

There are two main themes running through this weird little film:

First, our mental health as we emerge from a prolonged period of self-isolation. How do we respond to our cravings, desires when no one is watching and will be for quite some time? How do we judge right from wrong when removed from society’s judgement? 

There is also the disturbing vision of survival when we are freelancing in these times (which is my case). Witnessing Covid 19’s wrath on the self-employed, I saw how vulnerable and desperate we can get, especially in hard times. This is translated in the film as our adult live cam performer - desperate to earn a living - and driven to risk his life for his watcher’s enjoyment.

The whole insanity of the idea is also inspired by Covid’s self-isolation on me - you’re welcome?

“Craving” was submitted to us by Greg Barth. Have a film of your own you’d like us to check out? Click here!


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