“Drummer Boy” By Fatty Soprano & Shutterr


A drummer whom takes his obsession to a whole new extreme. His life is an addiction and there is only one way to fix it.


Directed by Fatty Soprano (Leo Rossikov) & Shutterr (Shawn Vasquez)
Producer - Aidan Grossman
Written by Aidan Grossman & Fatty Soprano
Starring - Aidan Grossman

Beyond the Short

We really wanted to bring this screenplay to life and give it a particular look even though it was a shoestring budget . The Talented Aidan Grossman stepped up to the lead role and gave a heartfelt performance. Aidan also helped us with the writing process of the script, since he is an excellent drummer and a huge music connoisseur.

“Drummer Boy” was submitted to us by Aidan Grossman. Have a film of your own you’d like us to check out? Click here!


“Shroud” By Patrick Mason & Ingrid Heidelberger


“Far From Now” By Gustav Bondeson